Email Protection
For a business emails are essential, and you need to ensure that your staff have safe access to them. By not securing your emails your business could be at risk from external threats.
A very common method for cyber criminals is to use email as a platform for spreading their attacks. These attacks may get your users to hand over confidential information or could trick the user into downloading something which may create havoc within your company’s IT systems.
Emails can also be a tool for those that wish to sell you something that you have no interest in. Left unchecked, an employee’s inbox can be cluttered with these emails that we call spam.
Keystone IT can work closely with your business to identify the right solution for protecting your emails. Some of the key features for our Email Protection solutions are:
Virus and Spam Filtering
Blacklist blocking from known sources
Advanced Threat Protection against zero-hour attacks and ransomware
Outbound scanning ensuring the reputation of your business
Protection against spear phishing, account compromise and business fraud
Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware
A basic requirement for any business in protecting the IT systems is to use reliable software to protect against viruses and malware threats.
The software must be kept up to date and managed in the right way.

Keystone IT recommends a market leading software called Webroot Secure Anywhere for the protection of the IT systems that we provide IT support for.
Webroot Secure Anywhere is centrally managed from the cloud ensuring that all updates are pushed out as soon as they are released.
Keystone IT supplies Webroot on a monthly agreement, this gives us the flexibility to add or remove licensees as you need them.

Backup and Recovery Solutions
Having a reliable backup and recovery solution is vital to any business. You need to be confident that in the event of any disaster or simple data loss, your business can implement its recovery process to return the business back to normality in the quickest way possible.
Keystone IT can work closely with you to develop a backup and recovery solution which meets with the requirements of your business. Every business is different in terms of what data they need to secure and how quickly they need to recover. We have the experience and knowledge that will deliver the right solution to you.
Some of the key features of our solutions include:
File and Folder Recovery
Full Image backups of servers and workstations
The option to recover data from years in the past
Automated offsite backups, never again have to worry about taking backups offsite
Fast and automated recovery solutions

Cyber Security and GDPR Training
When you think about protecting your company’s IT assets from cyber threats you may think of Anti-Virus software or Email filtering or any other IT solution. The same is said for the protection of the company’s data, a reliable backup solution is what you need. Although these are an important part of your IT security, a very big part that often gets missed is educating your staff about how they can work safely.
Your staff needs to know when they should click on that attachment and when not to, they need to question why they should email a list of personal information to an external contact. This awareness comes through experience and training.
Keystone IT offers training to your staff in either a group session or an online education program that can be done at any time. We consider that training your staff is an important part in the protection of your IT systems and data.
Get in Touch
If you would like to know more or would like to book a Free IT Audit then please fill in the form below and we shall contact you.